
What is a Public Spaces Protection Order?


What is a Public Spaces Protection Order?

Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) specify areas where activities take place which are or may likely be detrimental to the local community's quality of life and public health. The order impose restrictions on how people may use specified areas.

The Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 which came in in October 2014, introduced the Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO).  The Act repeals Dog Control Orders, Gating Orders and alcohol Designated Public Places Orders. Newport has a number of dog control orders on sensitive sites in addition to by-laws on parks and open spaces. Many of these are now out of date and all need to be replaced under the new legislation. 

A PSPO is designed to prevent individuals or groups committing anti-social behaviour in a public space where the behaviour is having, or be likely to have, a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality; be persistent or continuing nature; and be unreasonable. The power to make an Order rests with local authorities, in consultation with the police, Police and Crime Commissioner and other relevant bodies who may be impacted.

The Council can make a PSPO on any public space within its own area. The definition of public space is wide and includes any place to which the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission, for example a shopping centre.  There are particular considerations for registered common land, town or village greens and open access land. The maximum length of a PSPO is three years.

The Proposed PSPO

The proposed PSPO will cover the issue of the control of dogs on public sites including dog fouling, keeping dogs on leads and excluding dogs from specified zones or sites. 

In summary the proposed order which is to be consulted upon is as follows:  

Excludes dogs from:

  • enclosed children's play areas
  • specific coastal areas and beaches at certain times of year
  • specific sporting or recreational facilities at certain times of the year

Requires dogs to be kept under close control or on a leads within:

  • City Council churchyards and cemeteries on a lead
  • Countryside or coastal sites as directed
  • Sites designated for nature conservation and protection as directed
  • Along cycleways and Active Travel routes as directed

Requires dog owners to remove dog faeces forthwith

  • This applies to any land to which is open to air and to which the public have access
  • To carry a suitable receptacle to collect and dispose of dog faeces

Requires dog owners to put their dog on a lead when directed to do so by an authorised officer or by appropriate signage on site.

  • This will apply to any public land where a dog is considered to be out of control or causing alarm and or distress

The consultation

The public consultation will run from 18th November and will close on 24th December.

What happens after the consultation closes?

All information received as part of the consultation will be reviewed and presented back to the Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee. The Committee may make comments or recommendations, on how best to proceed based upon the information received.  Following that process, a Cabinet Report will be presented for consideration and a decision taken.

How will we be kept updated?

Any information regarding the progressing of the PSPO will be posted on the Council's social media pages, or via the News page here

This engagement phase has finished

Some people making comments


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